Spinal Decompression
If you’re suffering from back, neck, arm, or leg pain, spinal decompression therapy can make a huge difference. This non-invasive, traction-based treatment has proven to be extremely effective against back issues, especially herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet arthritis, spinal stenosis, sciatica, and more. At Christensen Chiropractic, we feel privileged to offer this FDA-cleared therapy.
Genuine, Long-Term Relief
Spinal decompression uses the subtle application and release of traction forces to prevent the paraspinal muscles from guarding or spasming. The resulting negative pressure on the spine increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients. It also gives a troubled disc the chance to move back into its normal position and heal.
Spinal decompression treatment is generally painless and takes around 20 minutes. Because we customize your treatment plan, your spine has an outstanding chance to heal, realign, and leave discomfort behind. Contact us today to schedule a spinal decompression appointment in Ottawa.
Trust Our Experience and Care
At Christensen Chiropractic, we’re privileged to help our patients avoid spine surgery and living with discomfort. We look forward to serving you. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.